ITS About MOther's Day
Hahaha..Hepii mothers day to all mom in da world.... actually im not a good daughter kot..hehheh always make my mummy membebel because of my behaviour..hahahha..sian my mum...she always nag me...mcm2 hal i still love her..because no one can replace her....hahhaha...u guyz know, she is really good masak rendang daging tau.. sampai penah kena order sana sini..because they said lain dari yang lain...ari ni plak ..byk plak crita pasal mom..serba salah nak tgk..hhahaha..semua crita mcm anak die semua jahat..hahha..insafla jugak trip2 depan my mom buat x tau koz, me kan terkenal dengan ego..hahahahh!....every morning, she bgn awal, pastu anta my sis pergi sekolah, pergi pasar lagi menyapu luar lagi, then kena cepat2 pergi masak untuk makan tgh hari, koz my adik yg ting 1 nak pergi sekolah around 11 mcm tu,...pastu dah sudah masak, kena kemas bilik dia lagi..pastu br duduk xsampai setengah jam, my sis dah get ready nak pergi my mom pon pergi la anta....dah dier balik around 12.30, dier makan ngan father, makan tengahhari...imagine if my father x balik or outstation..makan la my mom sorang2..kesian woo..then around pukul dua kena hantar my adik sekolah agama plak....she not only doin that thing...she also help my father to kembangkan our family biznes..dah jadi bisneswoman dah my mom..kena hantar produk sana sini,sometime sampai kat kk,hmmm...pastu kat rumah dier pon ade buka meniaga kecil2lan..jual keropok, aiskrim, around jam 5 she need to ambil my sis dr sekolah agama....pastu jam 6 ambil my sis kat st john plak..dah mcm org tukang angkut da..sian ooo...pastu malam2 kadang2 la..she buat aiskream, kalau dah habis stock, or just rest, or iron my daddy cloth yang berlambak macam gunung tu....hmmmm....dah tu dpt pulak anak yg malas macam me...jadi tarzan la my mom..dah la bgn pon lewat..aka cuti sem la katakan..hahha..pastu pemalas yg amat! anak sapa la ni...bila i think about dat, jahat oo me kalau dtg my rajin, i will sapuu satu rumah, bersihkan semua, masak..n all i did..i x ske dier nampak or tau..itu dah jd mcm habit..biar dier nampak result jer..mcm bila dier balik rumah dah bersih...huhuh..bila dier balik petang, makanan petang dah ada...slalunya sblm tggu my adik2 balik..she need to think apa makanan petang she should give to my father..hmmm..that goes for a day, a week, a month, a year..huhu..sometime i feel so bersalah, koz let my mom buat kerja sorang, huhuhu...tula..bila kita rasa kita nak kurang ajar ngan our parents, think about this, think about what they have done to us, for not saying dat im also like normal teenage nowadays,stubborn ego, and always argue what mothers i just want they know..eventhough i know my mom never read this blog, i really love her, she like a friend to me...sampai my personal pon i tell her..and she xmrh pon somtime, just bagi nasihat...i cant live without my mothers around, who will care about my self as much as she did, who will advice me when i get scould with my dad, who will sabar dengan my stubborn my ego, my jahat and all stuff like one will understand much as she did..So i hope we all dapat appreciate our mother selagi diorang masih ada...jalan menyesal dikemudian hari ok!!!...for mothers dah ni..hhahah i beli something funny la..hahha..i buy..trim,waist slim belt for my mother...huhuhu koz dier seem interest benda i ni xpandai nak berbunga2 ngan my mom..pas beli..i trus kasi..i ckp..mi ni present mothers day, xtau nak beli sampai sini jer kot...hahahha..tatta..SAYANGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG UMIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!
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